For every 25 grains you donate, 1 click will automatically be added to your click count.
NOTICE: If we must reject your entry because you enter your score incorrectly, 20 clicks will be automatically removed from your pending clicks. This can happen by entering a score lower than your previous scores, entering an impossible score (such as one that ends with something other than 0, or a score that is too high), or entering information in the wrong cells. Furthmore, continued inaccuracy will get you banned from the freerice challenge for one week, and if we find you are just constantly annoying when you enter your score, you will be banned permanently.
1) Do not cheat.

2) Do not use computer programs to automatically play the game. This destroys the whole purpose of the game, as well as lowering the advertisement money freerice gets, meaning, by using computer programs, you are hurting, not helping.

3) Obey all rules.

4) You can update your score as many times as day. Your name will not appear on the list immediately. We must update the list before you appear, so do not keep entering it.

5) I may change the rules at any time. If something new is released in My LEGO Network, Pizzapocket100 and I both will need our clicks. We will "go into debt", so to speak, with clicks, and will pay people back when the new MLN event is completed.

6) Rules may change at any time. The clicks given may drop or rise depending on our decisions.

7) Winners for each week will be declared Saturday night (Pacific time). Clicks for the winners will be given throughout the next week. Weeks begin immediately after I declare the scores for the previous week.

8) I recommend you use Internet Explorer if you are a PC user. Also, make sure you go to options and click "Remember my personal rice donation total from the last time I played when I start FreeRice."

9) If users don't enter new scores for a new week, they will be removed from the list. This is only to avoid clutter, however, because all of their information is stored, and can be put back as soon as they enter a new score. (users with high total scores will be left on, however, even if they don't enter a new score)

10) If we must reject your entry because you enter your score incorrectly, 20 clicks will be automatically removed from your pending clicks. This can happen by entering a score lower than your previous scores, entering an impossible score (such as one that ends with something other than 0, or a score that is too high), or entering information in the wrong cells. Furthmore, continued inaccuracy will get you banned from the freerice challenge for one week, and if we find you are just constantly annoying when you enter your score, you will be banned permanently..

11) If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

How Points Works

'Clicks' are for the game, My LEGO Network. If you do not play MLN (as it is called), simply say you do not want the clicks. We have 5 (Vanderdecken12, PIZZAPOCKET100, Reader586, Obi-wan-BRADobi and Mrs.Teavee300) users donating all 100 of their daily clicks (plus 2 users giving 84 clicks each; Pupppy123456 and Sky05). All of the clicks will go to everybody , in proportion to their percentage of the total. Pending clicks, when given, are given starting with the person who is highest on the current weekly list, so that people who are doing well this week will get their clicks from last week first. People lower on the list will still get their clicks, of course, just a little later.

Thank you, and have a great time! :)


  1. I won't be playing anymore, since I do not seem to be getting clicks.

  2. Hey,
    Would you consider turning some of my FreeRiceChallenge clicks into Blogger points?

  3. Um...half?
    Could I do that each week? Turn half of my FreeRice clicks into Blogger points?
    Also. Why has the Blogger Points table dissapeared from the MLN Blog?

  4. Mm, that's a bit time consuming. I just transferred 1000 clicks over, so if you ever need more, just ask again.

    The table disappeared because of serious spreadsheet issues. I'm hoping to resolve those issues soon, and then combine it with the Freerice as well, if possible.

  5. Okay. Thanks.
    I need lots of Blogger points because I am doing lots of trades to get pipes and gypsum. Rank 5 is getting a bit boring so I am seriously working on getting to Rank 6. :-)
    Good luck on fixing the spreadsheets. I know how annoying they can be! (My Dad is a business Anylyst so spreadsheets are his life)

  6. Oh wow, that would be a fun job. :-O

  7. Hey. I just read an article in the paper and thought I would do some more research online. It's about the amount of methane gases that rice plants emit. The world needs more rice to feed the people, but the more rice plants there are the methane there is which contributes to global warming which then floods/melts some parts of the world which then ruins the rice crop. Here are some links about it:
    I don't really believe in Global Warming but this is almost funny. Greenies want to feed the world and stop global warming, except they can't have both.

  8. Haha, wow. Thanks for posting that :-)

  9. Hey. Did you know that this site was down for nearly an hour and the MLN Blog and Trade Market are still down. This message came up whenever I tried to get on:
    Apache is functioning normally

  10. That's odd. It's working for me...thanks for posting that.
